
A39 Air Ducting Pipe Vent Connector, 75mm Y&T Branch Heater

$21.99 $16.99

A39 75mm Y&T Branch Exhaust Parts For Webasto Heater Y Branch Outlet Connector  Material: Plastic Color: Black Length: 12cm/4.72in Outer Diameter:7.5cm/2.95in Quantity: 1pcs Features: -With this item you can control which side of the "Y" gets the hot air you can also allow one side to get more hot air than the other or none at all (you can close one side totaly) -With 2 closeable open regulating valve. -Initial installation. -Additional outlet to an existing system.  -Efficient split the flow of warm air from your heater. T Piece Outlet Connector  Material: Flame Retardant Nylon Plastic Color: Black Overall Length: 16cm/6.3in Height: 11.5cm/4.52in Outer Diameter: 7.5cm/2.95in Quantity: 1 Features: --Flame retardant. -With this item you can control which side of the "T" gets the hot air,you can also allow one side to get more hot air than the other or none at all  (you can close one side totaly) -With 2 closeable open regulating valve. -Initial installation. -Additional outlet to an existing system.  -Efficient split the flow of warm air from your heater. T Air Ducting Pipe Vent Connector Material: Flame Retardant Nylon Plastic Color: Black Shape & Diameter: T-75mm (2.95in) Diameter: 75mm (2.95") Quantity: 1 Features -Flame retardant. -With 1 closeable open regulating valve,and each has 2 gears that can be adjusted. -Initial installation. -Additional outlet to an existing system.  -Efficient split the flow of warm air from your heater. Fitment: For Eberspacher For Webasto For Propex Heater,For 75mm internal diameter ducting. (Please Compare The Part Number With Your Original One Before Purchasing!)

Style: T Piece Outlet Connector

  • Y Branch Outlet Connector
  • T Piece Outlet Connector
  • T Piece Vent Connector
Nebude dodávat, dokud [19041994]
$21.99 $16.99

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A39 75mm Y&T Branch Exhaust Parts For Webasto Heater

Y Branch Outlet Connector 

Material: Plastic
Color: Black
Length: 12cm/4.72in
Outer Diameter:7.5cm/2.95in
Quantity: 1pcs

-With this item you can control which side of the "Y" gets the hot air
you can also allow one side to get more hot air than the other or none at all (you can close one side totaly)
-With 2 closeable open regulating valve.
-Initial installation.
-Additional outlet to an existing system. 
-Efficient split the flow of warm air from your heater.

T Piece Outlet Connector 

Material: Flame Retardant Nylon Plastic
Color: Black
Overall Length: 16cm/6.3in
Height: 11.5cm/4.52in
Outer Diameter: 7.5cm/2.95in
Quantity: 1

--Flame retardant.
-With this item you can control which side of the "T" gets the hot air,you can also allow one side to get more hot air than the other or none at all 
(you can close one side totaly)
-With 2 closeable open regulating valve.
-Initial installation.
-Additional outlet to an existing system. 
-Efficient split the flow of warm air from your heater.

Air Ducting Pipe Vent Connector

Material: Flame Retardant Nylon Plastic
Color: Black
Shape & Diameter: T-75mm (2.95in)
Diameter: 75mm (2.95")
Quantity: 1

-Flame retardant.
-With 1 closeable open regulating valve,and each has 2 gears that can be adjusted.
-Initial installation.
-Additional outlet to an existing system. 
-Efficient split the flow of warm air from your heater.


For Eberspacher For Webasto For Propex Heater,For 75mm internal diameter ducting.
(Please Compare The Part Number With Your Original One Before Purchasing!)

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Y Branch Outlet Connector, T Piece Outlet Connector, T Piece Vent Connector

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A39 Air Ducting Pipe Vent Connector, 75mm Y&T Branch Heater

$21.99 $16.99